Saturday 4 January 2014

i like talking to you

It’s like every time we do talk, I end up laugh or smiling. Even if we’re fighting or something over the silliest things, I probably could never take you seriously. You’re cute. The way you talk to me. How you laugh & just the way you are. It’s great, more like amazing. When I talk to you it’s like everything else doesn’t matter. Like I said, I like talking to you, I really do.

why do i like you ?

good question , boy . i can't answer that . why ? i have no clue . maybe its just how you are , your personality , your looks , your vibe , everything you makes me smile and to put it simply , i just fell for you . no reason , just over the simple fact that its fun being with you . i think that's good reason is it not ?
When She loves You, I Hate You.
       I couldn't help but wonder, What do you see? When you look in my eyes, Do you discover the real me? Do you forbid yourself, for the lust is strong? Can you possibly see, that you were dead wrong? I Love you far more than I ever believed. I love you still after it was me you deceived. I am hurting, when I lay all alone, and thinking of you when I look at my phone. Even though I have plenty to choose from now. There are plenty that just want to make kitty meow. Only you are the one that breed and pampered her. You were the one that stuck by me, that’s rare. I can only wish for better days to come, but without you my world has been undone. I live for the joy that karma brings, only I’m having a problem believing in things.
I Loved you once, but you hurt me so deeply. You took from me and the price was made cheaply. You once said that you would never hurt me, then you must be blind, and unable to see. What you have done, has made my decision. I could never turn back without any permission. The happy home that we once hoped for. The loving family we we’re growing toward. I have walked on, and find myself free. You look back and smile with glee. Whether its real or a smile that’s fake. I can’t look past this and forgive your mistake. It never had to be this way, you could have stayed. You dug this grave when you left me betrayed.
I'm sorry for all the pain I cause, and for the premeditated applause. Although you did try to make it work. I wasn’t willing to, and left with a smirk. I told you I lost feelings, and the connection. I didn’t lie then and I wanted attention. I miss what I had, and feel like you do as well. But I’m probably wrong because I can not tell. We haven’t spoken in some time. I just remember when you were mine.
You just need to continue to stay away. You need to use what you got, what else can I say. You made this bed, and now you can rest in it. How can you expect me to not throw a fit . What we had was great while it lasted.  I was in range when that gun blasted. Took the life of the one you claim you loved. You set me out in the cold, harshly you shoved. I couldn’t take back what I’ve said, and how I feel. I can’t be a hypocrite, just because you squeal. I can’t give into loneliness and be sorry for this. If you never went this far maybe we’d exist.

We speak to you together as one now, for we know right and wrong somehow. We want to have you like we once did, but then again we hate you for when you flipped your lid. Why do you have to say things when we speak. You make us realize why we left, and then we tweak. We hate that it hurts when we think of you. It even gets to us when people have ask too. We hold on to what memories the three of us created. We sit back daily and go through the ones that faded. Maybe it will get easier with a little more time. But we’re beginning to realize loving you isn’t a crime. We have to hide the reality of our being. You were the closest one who understood the meaning.The biggest fight that we can tell you about, is the fight between us, right and wrong, no doubt. We know what we did in comparison to how you followed. No matter how you want to look at it, our heart is hollowed. We both still love you just the same, but a split personality is nothing to blame.

I know what love is!

I know what seeing is! As I saw you that day for the first time, So I know what liking is!
I know what striking is! As I stroke stone against stone, So I know what the spark is!
I know what rubbing is! As I rubbed heart against heart, So I know what love is!
I know what caring is! As I had been used to it since we met, So I know what soft touch is!
I know what fire is! As I had been burning along with you, So I know what nectar is!
I know what compassion is!  As I have experienced it with you. So I know what affection is!
I know what addiction is! As I have been addicted to the smell of you, So I know what obsession is!
I know what memory is!  As I have experienced the break up, So I know what the hurt is!
I know what mistake is!  As I have been the victim of missjudgement , So I know what reconciliation is!
I know what longing is! As I have suffered from emptiness, So I know what she is!

I know what losing is! As I have lost in the rough wind, So I know what I miss!

When If Meets Must

If we can fight together, we must strive together.  If we can play together, we must pray together. If we can plan together, we must stand together. If we can cry together, we must try together.
We must strive together, if we can fight together. We must pray together, if we can play together. We must stand together, if we can plan together. We must try together, if we can cry together .

The future of man is built on a plan of working together whenever we can, So "if" must stand so tall and "must" alone, cannot fall. For together, forever we bring. The best, the good of it all.


I am so glad that I met you. Your friendship means the world to me. We may not have been best friends but that is just a title for the kind of friendship we do share is more active than it is idle. Believe me, it truly does. So this is why I am telling you now. How much you truly mean to me because anything could happen in the future.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Yesterday is now today by now !

Yesterday is now today ! Yesterdays' today is in the past. Yesterday past is today's past but yesterdays' tomorrow is today's' past, and its' future.
Tomorrow's' past is today's' future and tomorrow is today by now. Tomorrow doesn't know yesterday but tomorrow's yesterday knows the future and the past.
Today is the future and the past. Today's' future is now the past. Today's' past is in the future but today's' future is tomorrow's past and future.

The futures past can be today. The future is tomorrow and today. The futures future is in the future but the future knows the past, tomorrow, today, and yesterday.

The past surely was the future of me one day. Definitely tomorrow, the present will be past. The future will be my present.